
请输入“设备_路径”配置值。异常ignoredin:$sudoapt getinstallv4l utils#查看相机路径$v4l2 ctl--列出设备USB2.0相机:
  1. 安装Howdy: howdy项目地址

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boltgolt/howdy
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install howdy
  2. 添加自己的face

    sudo howdy add


    Enter a label for this new model [Initial model] (max 24 characters): tiger
    Camera path is not configured correctly, please edit the 'device_path' config value.
    Exception ignored in: <bound method VideoCapture.__del__ of <recorders.video_capture.VideoCapture object at 0x7f6bc5be02b0>>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/lib/security/howdy/recorders/video_capture.py", line 55, in __del__
    AttributeError: 'VideoCapture' object has no attribute 'internal'


    $ sudo apt-get install v4l-utils
    # 查看摄像头路径
    $ v4l2-ctl --list-devices
    USB 2.0 Camera: USB Camera (usb-0000:03:00.0-14):
    $ sudo howdy config
    # 接下来更改config中的device_path = /dev/video0
    $ sudo howdy add
    Adding face model for the user tiger
    Enter a label for this new model [Initial model] (max 24 characters): tiger
    Please look straight into the camera
    Scan complete
    Added a new model to tiger
    1. 测试


    $ sudo -i
    Identified face as tiger
    $ sudo howdy test
    Opening a window with a test feed
    Press ctrl+C in this terminal to quit
    Click on the image to enable or disable slow mode
    Closing window
    1. 屏幕锁屏后,enter进入输密码界面,程序就会识别出人,直接解锁

    2. 其它命令


      howdy [-U user] [-y] command [argument]
      addAdd a new face model for an user
      clearRemove all face models for an user
      configOpen the config file in your default editor
      disableDisable or enable howdy
      listList all saved face models for an user
      removeRemove a specific model for an user
      snapshotTake a snapshot of your camera input
      testTest the camera and recognition methods
      versionPrint the current version number


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