robotframework的学习笔记(十四)------学习Robot Framework必须掌握的库—-BuiltIn库


作为一门表格语言,为了保持简单的结构,RF没有像别的高级语言那样提供类似if else while等内置关键字来实现各种逻辑功能,而是提供给了用户BuiltIn库。如果用户想在测试用例中实现比较复杂的逻辑,那就需要对BuiltIn中的重要关键字有一些了解。BuiltIn库中还封装了很多常见方法和能够控制RF运行状态的关键字,如果想用好RF,一定要对BuiltIn库中的函数有一个比较全面的理解。下面就带着大家认识一下BuiltIn库中比较重要的关键字。


Arguments:[ expression | modules=None | namespace=None ]Evaluates the given expression in Python and returns the results.

Should 系列关键字:
Should Be Empty--------Verifies that the given item is empty.
Should BeEqual--------Fails if the given objects are unequal.
Should BeEqual As Integers--------Fails if objects are unequal after converting(转换) them to integers.
Should BeEqual AsNumbers--------Fails if objects are unequal after converting(转换) them to real numbers.
Should BeEqual AsStrings--------Fails if objects are unequal after converting(转换) them to strings.
Should BeTrue--------Fails if the given condition(状态) is not true.
Should Contain--------Arguments:[ container | item | msg=None | values=True | ignore_case=False ]Fails if container does not contain(包含) item one or more times.
Should ContainX Times--------Arguments:[ item1 | item2 | count | msg=None | ignore_case=False ]Fails if item1 does not contain item2 count times.
Should EndWith--------Arguments:[ str1 | str2 | msg=None | values=True | ignore_case=False ]Fails if the string str1 does not end with the string str2.
Should Match--------Arguments:[ string | pattern | msg=None | values=True | ignore_case=False ]Fails unless the given string matches the given pattern.
Should MatchRegexp--------Arguments:[ string | pattern | msg=None | values=True ]Fails if string does not match pattern as a regular expression(正则表达式).
Should StartWith--------Arguments:[ str1 | str2 | msg=None | values=True | ignore_case=False ]Fails if the string str1 does not start with the string str2.
Should NotBe Empty
Should NotBe Equal
Should NotBe Equal As Integers
Should NotBe Equal As Numbers
Should NotBe Equal As Strings
Should NotBe True
Should NotContain
Should NotEnd With
Should NotMatch
Should NotMatch Regexp
Should NotStart With
这些关键字都是用作判断时用的,每个用例都会用到,比如我们的执行结果得到了一个字符串,我们要判断这个字符串要与一个预期字符串相等,否则用例就无法通过,这时候,肯定会用上Should Be Equal As String关键字,其它关键字我们通过关键字的名字就能顾名思义,知道它的作用。
Convert To系列关键字:
Convert ToBinary
Convert ToBoolean
Convert ToHex
Convert ToInteger
Convert ToNumber
Convert ToOctal
Convert ToString
Run keyword系列关键字:
Run KeywordIf------Arguments:[ condition | name | *args ]Runs the given keyword with the given arguments, if condition is true.
Run KeywordIf All Critical Tests Passed
Run KeywordIf All Tests Passed
Run KeywordIf Any Critical Tests Failed
Run KeywordIf Any Tests Failed
Run KeywordIf Test Failed
Run KeywordIf Test Passed
Run、KeywordIf Timeout Occurred
这些关键字能根据一个判断条件的真假来看是否执行关键字。一般使用这些关键字来实现高级语言中的ifelse功能。最常用的是Run Keyword If 和 Run Keyword unless他们俩实现的效果正好相反。
Exit For Loop关键字:
用作退出循环,一般和Run KeywordIf关键字联合使用,来实现条件退出。
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds关键字:
RF目前仅有2个内置关键字:FOF 和 IN,来实现循环结构。功能还是比较弱的。

免责声明:文章转载自《robotframework的学习笔记(十四)------学习Robot Framework必须掌握的库—-BuiltIn库》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。

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