


华为接口必须先初始化 hybird口混杂模式下

[Huawei]int Eth-Trunk 12 //创建逻辑接口eth-trunk12
[HW-SW2-Eth-Trunk12]trunkport GigabitEthernet 0/0/5 to 0/0/6 //把接口加入eth-trunk
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...
Error: The port has other configurations. Please clear them first.
The error port is GigabitEthernet0/0/5. //该接口已经有配置存在,请清掉配置!

[HW-SW2]clear configuration int g0/0/5 //接口初始化 接口会被关闭
Warning: All configurations of the interface will be cleared, and its state will be shutdown. Continue? [Y/N] :y
[HW-SW2]clear configuration int g0/0/6
Warning: All configurations of the interface will be cleared, and its state will be shutdown. Continue? [Y/N] :y

[HW-SW2-Eth-Trunk12]trunkport GigabitEthernet 0/0/5 to 0/0/6
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.

[HW-SW2-Eth-Trunk12]mode manual load-balance //配置手工负载分担模式链路聚合 但是在dis cu 中不可见 默认模式

[HW-SW2-Eth-Trunk12]dis eth-trunk 12
Eth-Trunk12's state information is:
WorkingMode: NORMAL Hash arithmetic: According to SIP-XOR-DIP
Least Active-linknumber: 1 Max Bandwidth-affected-linknumber: 8
Operate status: down Number Of Up Port In Trunk: 0
PortName Status Weight
GigabitEthernet0/0/5 Down 1
GigabitEthernet0/0/6 Down 1

[HW-SW2]display int Eth-Trunk 12
Eth-Trunk12 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Switch Port, PVID : 1, Hash arithmetic : According to SIP-XOR-DIP,Maximal BW: 2G, Current BW: 2G, The Maximum Frame Length is 9216
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 4c1f-cca0-1ef8
Current system time: 2018-11-26 21:27:57-08:00
Input bandwidth utilization : 0%
Output bandwidth utilization : 0%
PortName Status Weight
GigabitEthernet0/0/5 UP 1
GigabitEthernet0/0/6 UP 1
The Number of Ports in Trunk : 2
The Number of UP Ports in Trunk : 2

[HW-SW2]dis stp brief
MSTID Port Role STP State Protection
0 GigabitEthernet0/0/1 DESI FORWARDING NONE
0 GigabitEthernet0/0/2 DESI FORWARDING NONE


[HW-SW2]dis stp interface Eth-Trunk 12
-------[CIST Global Info][Mode STP]-------
CIST Bridge :4096 .4c1f-cca0-1ef8
Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20
Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20
CIST Root/ERPC :0 .4c1f-ccb7-3b11 / 10000
CIST RegRoot/IRPC :4096 .4c1f-cca0-1ef8 / 0

[HW-SW2]int Eth-Trunk 12 //最后进入eth-trunk口中在配置 和cisco逻辑不一样 思科会直接继承之前的配置 华为要clear 清空接口配置
[HW-SW2-Eth-Trunk12]port link-type trunk
[HW-SW1-Eth-Trunk12]port tr allow-pass vlan all


上篇PL2303 Windows8.1驱动基于Jquerymobile实现的支持PC、平板、手机移动设备的web应用程序(C#)下篇

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