VTK 模型的旋转与平移



  • RotateX、RotateY、RotateZ(绕自身坐标轴旋转

Rotate the Prop3Din degreesabout the X/Y/Z axis using theright hand rule. The axis isthe Prop3D's X/Y/Z axis, which can change as other rotations are performed. 即前一次的旋转会影响到后一次。


VTK 模型的旋转与平移第1张

使用GetOrientation可以获取当前物体的姿态信息,结果为(90, 0, 90)。GetOrientation:Returns the orientation of the Prop3D as s vector of X,Y and Z rotation. The ordering in which these rotations must be done to generate the same matrix isRotateZ, RotateX, and finally RotateY. 即按照Z-X-Y的顺序将世界坐标系绕自身旋转即可得到当前姿态。

  • RotateWXYZ(绕世界坐标系旋转

Rotate the Prop3D in degrees about anarbitrary axis specified by the last three arguments. The axis is specified in world coordinates. 该函数的后三个参数指定旋转方向(可以是任意方向,不一定非得是坐标轴方向)。如按世界坐标系的X轴旋转可写为RotateWXYZ(deg, 1, 0, 0),按世界坐标系的Z轴旋转可写为RotateWXYZ(deg, 0, 0, 1)。同样是先后调用RotateWXYZ(90,0,0,1)、RotateWXYZ(90,1,0,0)得到的结果如下:

VTK 模型的旋转与平移第2张

此时调用GetOrientation返回值是:(0, -90, 90),即将世界坐标系先绕自身Z轴旋转90°,再绕X轴旋转0°,最后绕Y轴旋转-90°即可到达当前姿态。

  • SetOrientation(x, y, z) —— 通过先绕Z轴,然后绕X轴,最后绕Y轴旋转,从而来确定Prop的方向。
  • AddOrientation(a1, a2,a3) —— 在当前Prop方向增加a1, a2, a3增量。
  • SetOrigin(设置旋转中心点)

Set the origin of the Prop3D. This is the point about which all rotations take place. 调用RotateX或RotateWXYZ等旋转函数时会默认旋转中心在原点,即会绕着(0, 0, 0)沿着某一方向旋转。通过调用SetOrigin函数可以改变旋转点的位置。例如一个长宽高都是100的立方体,绕自身Z轴旋转45°,下图左边是默认旋转中心在原点,右边是调用SetOrigin设置旋转中心在(50,0,0)的结果

VTK 模型的旋转与平移第3张VTK 模型的旋转与平移第4张

  • SetPosition、AddPosition(设置物体在世界坐标系中的位置)

SetPosition(x, y, z)—— 指定vtkProp3D对象在世界坐标系中的位置。AddPosition(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ) —— 用指定的X、Y、Z三个方向的增量来平移Prop。如下图中立方体开始在原点处,调用SetPosition(50,0,0)后其位置变为(50,0,0)。可以通过GetPosition函数查看物体在世界坐标系中的位置。

VTK 模型的旋转与平移第5张

  • SetUserTransform、GetUserTransform

The most important aspect to applying transformation matrices is to understand the order inwhich the transformations are applied.Most of the methods for manipulating this transformation, e.g. Translate, Rotate, and Concatenate, can operate in eitherPreMultiply (the default)or PostMultiply mode. In PreMultiply mode, the translation, concatenation, etc. will occur before any transformations which are represented by the current matrix. In PostMultiply mode, the additional transformation will occur after any transformations represented by the current matrix.


VTK 模型的旋转与平移第6张

1. 移动Prop到原点;

2. 缩放;

3. 绕Y轴旋转;

4. 绕X轴旋转;

5. 绕Z轴旋转;

6. 从原点中移动回原来的位置;

7. 平移。


1 vtkTransform *myTrans =vtkTransform::New ();
2 myTrans->Translate (position[0],position[1],position[2]);
3 myTrans->Translate (origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]);
4 myTrans->RotateZ (orientation[2]);
5 myTrans->RotateX (orientation[0]);
6 myTrans->RotateZ (orientation[1];
7 myTrans->Scale (scale[0],scale[1],scale[2]);
8 myTrans->Translate (-origin[0],-origin[1],-origin[2]);
10 actor->SetUserTransform(myTrans);

vtkTransform::PreMultiply()用于设置左乘.Sets the internal state of the transform to PreMultiply. All subsequent operations will occur before those already represented in the current transformation. In homogeneous matrix notation, M = M*A where M is the current transformation matrix and A is the applied matrix. The default is PreMultiply.

vtkTransform::PostMultiply()用于设置右乘,Sets the internal state of the transform to PostMultiply.M = A*M where M is the current transformation matrix and A is the applied matrix.

如下所示,左边平面先旋转45°再沿X轴正方向移动2个单位;右边平面先沿X轴正方向移动2个单位,然后旋转45°(旋转中心在原点)。可以看出函数调用顺序颠倒一下产生了截然不同的两种结果(Wealways specify transformations in the reverse order of their application)

VTK 模型的旋转与平移第7张VTK 模型的旋转与平移第8张

  • SetUserMatrix、GetUserMatrix

The UserMatrix can be used in place of UserTransform.Transformation matrices can be combined by matrix multiplication to achieve combinationsof translation, rotation, and scaling. It is possible for a single transformation matrix to represent alltypes of transformation simultaneously.

下面代码将物体绕Z轴旋转45°,并移动到(50, 50, 50)处

1 trans = [0.707107,  -0.707107,  0,   50,
2          0.707107,   0.707107,  0,   50,
3          0,          0,         1,   50,
4          0,          0,         0,   1]
6 mat =vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()  
7 mat.DeepCopy(trans)
9 actor.SetUserMatrix(mat)

VTK 模型的旋转与平移第9张

  • GetMatrix

UserMatrix is one you can assign yourself to an actor or a top-level composite assembly of actors. Matrix is computed automatically from any position, rotation or scale the actor may have, in addition to the UserMatrix.Calling GetMatrix should always give you the exact matrix applied to an actorto get it to from whatever its own "model space" is to VTK world space.UserMatrix is nullptr until you set it, or until the actor is added as part of an assembly, where the parent assembly may set user matrices directly for its constituent parts.You can't set the matrix directly, but you can set the UserMatrix directly.


1 import vtk
3 # create a rendering window and renderer
4 ren =vtk.vtkRenderer()
5 renWin =vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
6 renWin.AddRenderer(ren)
8 # create a renderwindowinteractor
9 iren =vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
10 iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin)
12 # create plane source
13 plane =vtk.vtkPlaneSource()
14 plane.SetXResolution(1)
15 plane.SetYResolution(1)
16 plane.SetCenter(0,0,0)
17 plane.SetNormal(0,0,1)
19 # mapper
20 mapper =vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
21 mapper.SetInputConnection(plane.GetOutputPort())
23 # actor
24 actor =vtk.vtkActor()
25 actor.SetMapper(mapper)
26 actor.GetProperty().SetRepresentationToWireframe()
28 # assign actor to the renderer
29 ren.AddActor(actor)
31 # create coordinate axes inthe render window
32 axes =vtk.vtkAxesActor() 
33 axes.SetTotalLength(1, 1, 1)
34 axes.SetShaftType(0) 
35 axes.SetAxisLabels(0) 
36 axes.SetCylinderRadius(0.02) 
37 ren.AddActor(axes)
39 style =vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera()
40 style.SetDefaultRenderer(ren)
41 iren.SetInteractorStyle(style)
44 actor.RotateZ(45)
45 actor.SetPosition(2,0,0)
47 print actor.GetMatrix()
48 print actor.GetUserMatrix()
49 print actor.GetUserTransform ()
50 print '---------------------------'
52 trans =vtk.vtkTransform()
53 trans.RotateZ(-45)
54 trans.Translate(-2, 0, 0)
55 actor.SetUserTransform(trans)
57 print actor.GetMatrix()
58 print actor.GetUserMatrix()
59 print actor.GetUserTransform ()
62 camera =vtk.vtkCamera()
63 camera.ParallelProjectionOn()
64 ren.SetActiveCamera(camera)
65 ren.ResetCamera()
67 # enable user interfaceinteractor
68 iren.Initialize()
69 renWin.Render()
70 iren.Start()

VTK 模型的旋转与平移第10张VTK 模型的旋转与平移第11张


VTK 模型的旋转与平移第12张

然后将平面沿X轴负方向平移2个单位,再绕Z轴旋转-45°,将平面变换回初始位置(如果想先旋转再平移将其变换回初始位置,则要重新设置旋转中心,否则旋转时会绕原点旋转)。从下图可以看出GetMatrix函数返回了单位矩阵,即现在平面的位置和姿态与世界坐标系一致。GetUerMatrix和GetUserTransform返回的变换矩阵一样:T=Rz(-45°)·T(-2, 0, 0),为平移和旋转所构成的变换矩阵。

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VTK 模型的旋转与平移第14张



VTK 模型的旋转与平移第15张

VTK 模型的旋转与平移第16张

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