打开Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2005非常慢,特别慢的原因

First Step:
   1. Go to "Start" -> "Programs" -> "Microsoft SQL Server 2005".
   2. Open "SQL Server Management Studio".
   3. Navigate to "Tools"  -> "Options" -> "Help" -> "Online".
   4. Mark the checkbox "Try local first, not online"
   5. Press on "Ok" button.
   6.  Restart SQL Server Management Studio".
  • Tip: In some cases you may need to disable "Check for publishers certificate revocation" option
              under the Internet Explorer -> "Internet Options" -> Advanced".
Second Step:
  1. Go to "Start" -> "Programs" -> "Microsoft SQL Server 2005".
    2. Open "SQL Server Error and Usage Reporting"
    3. Uncheck the following checkboxes:
       a."Send error reports for all components and instances of SQL 2005 to Microsoft or your corporate error reporting server."
         Note: Using local "corporate error reporting server", may require to enable this feather.
       b. "Send feather usage reports for all components and instances of SQL 2005 to Microsoft."
    4. Press on "Ok" button.

免责声明:文章转载自《打开Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2005非常慢,特别慢的原因》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。

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