

HTML5已经在Web开发中越来越流行。并且现在大部分流行的浏览器包括Firefox 6, Google Chrome, IE9等都支持HTML5。 利用框架能够帮助Web开发人员快速进行设计和开发。一个HTML5的框架提供了许多功能,如优美的排版,视频播放器,表单验证等,使开发人员能够轻松地 开发Web应用程序。

1. 52 Framework : HTML5-CSS3 Framework

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment

2. Gridless : HTML5-CSS3 Framework For Crossbrowser Websites

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment
Gridless is an optionated HTML5 CSS3 boilerplate for making mobile first responsive, cross-browser websites with beautiful typography. It works on DBY (don’t bore yourself) approach and allows developers to use CSS normalization, beautiful typography, a well organized folder structure, IE bug fixes and other nice tricks for their websites.
The most exceptional feature of Gridelss is that it uses mobile first responsive web design, which means that it adapts itself to the device’s width which turns it into work anywhere with any old feature phone, newer Smartphone, tablets, notebooks and bigger desktops. It supports all modern browsers like Firefox, opera, chrome, Safari and IE 6+.

3. Perkins : HTML5-CSS3 Framework

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment

Perkins 是一个 HTML5/CSS3 框架,主要为简化开发者和设计师的工具。使用一个基础的 HTML5 模板,包含多数所支持的标签以及一些 CSS 样式,便于创建诸如导航、圆角、渐进等效果。

4. Less Framework 4

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment
Less Framework is a CSS grid system for designing adaptive multicolumn websites layouts. It contains 4 layouts and 3 sets of typography presets, all based on a single grid. Less Framework can easily built sites compatible with mobiles and smart phones and it works fine with all modern browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Nokia Webkit, WebOS, Blackberry OS, Android Webkit, and Mobile Safari etc.

5. Gravity : SASS Based Front End HTML5-CSS3 Framework

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment
Gravity is SASS based framework for making powerful, easily maintainable HTML5 websites. Gravity holds every type of feature for developing beautiful websites such as readymade typography presets, media queries, button styles, from styling, column sizing based on variables and much more. Users need to install SASS to run the framework. It includes numbers of killer features such as it is SASS based, CSS3 Mixins, Rapid Prototyping, Grid builder, CoffeeScript, Core JS imports and many more.

6. HTML5 BoilerPlate

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment

HTML5 Boilerplate 是一个HTML / CSS / js模板,是实现跨浏览器正常化、性能优化,稳定的可选功能如跨域Ajax和Flash的最佳实践。 项目的开发商称之为技巧集合,目的是满足您开发一个跨浏览器,并且面向未来的网站的需求。

HTML 5样板的一些特性如下:

支持HTML 5







7. G5 Framework : HTML5-CSS3 Front End Framework

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment

G5 Framework 是一个 (X)HTML5, CSS3, PHP & jQuery 前端框架。该框架旨在提升开发效率、减少代码。


  • HTML5 baseline
  • Base CSS
  • PHP Active Class
  • Smooth Scroll to Top
  • HTML5 Placeholder Fallback
  • Base SEO
  • Based on a F Layout
  • Sticky Footer
  • Clean Organization


8. Baseline : HTML5-CSS Framework

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment
Baseline is HTML5 frame works which assists users to easily create and develop websites and web applications. Baseline comes standard typography, includes style for HTML form and new HTML 5 tags. Baseline supports all modern browsers such as Safar 3+, Google Chrome, Firefox 3+, Opera 9+, and IE 8.

9. Sprout Care : Open Source HTML5 Framework

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment
Sprout care is an open source HTML5 Framework used to rapidly build up innovative web applications. With sprout care developers can build rich, interactive applications with less code. Sproutcore includes many features like Clean MVC Architecture – which keeps users codes sensible and organized for easy maintenance, Incredible Speed—client-side logic means no more waiting for severs, Sproutcore apps give you a native experience, built in tools that will make your application beautiful and many more.

10. LimeJS : HTML5 Game Framework

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment

11. Cartagen : HTML5 Framework For Dynamic Mapping

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment
Cartagen lets you make beautiful, customized maps with a simple stylesheet. Maps are styled with Geographic Style Sheets (GSS), GSS is a scripting language as well making Cartagen an idea framework for loan modification mapping dynamic data. Cartagen is vector mapping, client side HTML 5 framework for rendering maps in native HTML5 applications. It is written in JavaScript, it uses the new Canvas element to load mapping date from various sources including OpenStreetMap.

12. inuitCSS : HTML5-CSS Framework

12 HTML5-CSS FrameWorks For Easy WebDevelopment
Inuitcss是一个漂亮和实用的框架。能够帮助我们开发出漂亮的网站。它支持新的HTML5标签,支持平板电脑和智能手机。Developers can build their own fluid grid systems and it provides nice typography for development along with all type of modern browsers supports even IE6.


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GitHub 和 Gitee 开源免费 10 个超赞后台管理面板,看完惊呆了!

软件工程师在实际项目开发中不可避免需要依赖一些前后端的后台管理系统框架,而不是从零开始一点点的搭建,浪费人力。目前市面上有很多开放源码、且免费的后台管理面板,样式色彩也比较丰富美观。 今天整理了一下GitHub和Gitee上比较优秀的后台管理面板,这些后台管理面板有的是包含前后端代码有的是UI框架含前端代码,都支持Git命令下载编译,运行即可正常访问。 1...

网页设计太麻烦?15款免费优质Bootstrap UI工具包助你效率倍增!

Bootstrap作为针对响应式设计和移动优先的前端web开发,是当下最流行的设计框架之一。使用 免费的Bootstrap UI工具包让原型设计和网页设计变得更加简单。 摹客的小伙伴们为大家整理了一批使用Bootstrap构建的免费UI工具包,你可以将其用作设计的起点。为方便大家学习,今天为大家分享的这些UI工具包主要从以下几个方面分类: Bootstr...


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