AutoCAD ObjectARX和RealDWG的基本数据操作





AutoCAD ObjectARX和RealDWG的基本数据操作第1张

AutoCAD ObjectARX和RealDWG的基本数据操作第2张

AutoCAD ObjectARX和RealDWG的基本数据操作第3张




  1 int Verbose = 0;
  2 int Copy = 0;
  3 int Header = 0;
  4 int Tables = 0;
  5 int doExtents = 0;
  6 int showErased = 0;
  7 int resolveXrefs = 0;
  9 class DumpDwgHostApp : public AcDbHostApplicationServices
 10 {
 11 public:
 12     ~DumpDwgHostApp();
 13     Acad::ErrorStatus findFile(TCHAR* pcFullPathOut, int nBufferLength,
 14                          const TCHAR* pcFilename, AcDbDatabase* pDb = NULL,
 15                          AcDbHostApplicationServices::FindFileHint = kDefault);
 16     // These two functions return the full path to the root folder where roamable/local 
 17     // customizable files were installed. Note that the user may have reconfigured 
 18     // the location of some the customizable files using the Options Dialog 
 19     // therefore these functions should not be used to locate customizable files. 
 20     // To locate customizable files either use the findFile function or the 
 21     // appropriate system variable for the given file type. 
 22     //
 23     Acad::ErrorStatus getRoamableRootFolder(const TCHAR*& folder);
 24     Acad::ErrorStatus getLocalRootFolder(const TCHAR*& folder);
 26     //URL related services
 27     Adesk::Boolean isURL(const TCHAR* pszURL) const;
 28     Adesk::Boolean isRemoteFile(const TCHAR* pszLocalFile, TCHAR* pszURL, size_t nUrlSize) const;
 29     Acad::ErrorStatus  getRemoteFile(const TCHAR* pszURL, TCHAR* pszLocalFile, size_t nFilePath, Adesk::Boolean bIgnoreCache) const;
 31     // make sure you implement getAlternateFontName. In case your findFile implementation
 32     // fails to find a font you should return a font name here that is guaranteed to exist.
 33     virtual TCHAR * getAlternateFontName() const
 34     {
 35         return _T("txt.shx"); //findFile will be called again with this name
 36     }
 37 private:
 38     mutable CMapStringToString m_localToUrl;
 39 };
 40 DumpDwgHostApp::~DumpDwgHostApp()
 41 {
 42     CString local,url;
 43     for (POSITION pos = m_localToUrl.GetStartPosition();pos!=NULL;)
 44     {
 45         m_localToUrl.GetNextAssoc(pos,local,url);
 46         DeleteUrlCacheEntry(url);
 47     }
 48 }
 49 // Return the Install directory for customizable files
 50 Acad::ErrorStatus 
 51 DumpDwgHostApp::getRoamableRootFolder(const TCHAR*& folder)
 52 {
 53     Acad::ErrorStatus ret = Acad::eOk;
 54     static TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH] = _T("


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