30 约束(Constraint)

30 约束(Constraint)
        id            username(唯一性约束)            password(非空约束)
            非空约束(not null):约束的字段不能为null
            主键约束(primary key):约束的字段既不能为null,也不能重复(简称PK)
            外键约束(foreign key):...(简称FK)
        非空约束 not null
        drop table if exists t_user;
        create table t_user(
            id int,
            username varchar(255) not null,
            password varchar(255)
        // ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'username' doesn't have a default value
        insert into t_user(id,password) values(1,'123');
        insert into t_user(id,username,password) values(1,'lisi','123');
        * 唯一约束修饰的字段具有唯一性,不能重复,但可以为null;
        * 案例:
            drop table if exists t_user;
            create table t_user(
                id int,
                username varchar(255) unique // 列级约束
            // 1062 - Duplicate entry 'zhangsan' for key 'username'
            insert into t_user (id,username) values(1,'zhangsan'),(2,'zhangsan');
            insert into t_user(id) values(1),(2),(3);
        * 案例,给两个列或者多个列添加unique
            drop table if exists t_user;
            create table t_user(
                id int,
                usercode varchar(255),
                username varchar(255),
                unique(usercode,username) // 多个字段联合添加1个约束 unique(表级约束)
            insert into t_user values(1,'111','zs');
            insert into t_user values(2,'111','ls');
            insert into t_user values(3,'222','zs');
            select * from t_user;
            //1062 - Duplicate entry '111-zs' for key 'usercode'
            insert into t_user values(4,'111','zs');
            drop table if exists t_user;
            create table t_user(
                id int,
                usercode varchar(255) unique,
                username varchar(255) unique
            // 1062 - Duplicate entry '111' for key 'usercode'
            insert into t_user values(1,'111','zs'),(2,'111','ls');
        * 注意:not null约束只有列级约束,没有表级约束。
        * 怎么给一张表添加主键约束?
            drop table if exists t_user;
            create table t_user(
                id int primary key,// 列级约束
                username varchar(255),
                email varchar(255)
            insert into t_user values(1,'zs','zs@qq.com'),(2,'ls','ls@qq.com'),(3,'ww','ww@qq.com');
            select * from t_user;
            | id | username | email     |
            |  1 | zs       | zs@qq.com |
            |  2 | ls       | ls@qq.com |
            |  3 | ww       | ww@qq.com |
            // 1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
            insert into t_user(id,username,email) values(1,'ll','ll@qq.com');
            // 1364 - Field 'id' doesn't have a default value
            insert into t_user(username,email) values('ll','ll@qq.com');
        * 主键相关的术语?
            主键约束:primary key
            主键字段:id字段添加了primary key之后,id叫做主键字段
        * 主键有什么作用?
            - 表的设计三范式中有要求:第一范式就要求任何一张表都应该有主键。
            - 主键的作用:主键值是这行记录在这张表当中的唯一标识。(就像一个人的身份证号码一样。)
        * 主键的分类:
        * 一张表的主键约束只能有1个。(必须记住)
        * 使用表级约束方式定义主键:
            drop table if exists t_user;
            create table t_user(
                id int,
                username varchar(255),
                primary key(id)
            insert into t_user(id,username) values(1,'zs');
            insert into t_user(id,username) values(2,'ls');
            insert into t_user(id,username) values(3,'ww');
            insert into t_user(id,username) values(4,'ll');
            select * from t_user;
            | id | username |
            |  1 | zs       |
            |  2 | ls       |
            |  3 | ww       |
            |  4 | ll       |
            // 1062 - Duplicate entry '4' for key 'PRIMARY'
            insert into t_user(id,username) values(4,'faker');
                drop table if exists t_user;
                create table t_user(
                    id int,
                    username varchar(255),
                    password varchar(255),
                    primary key(id,username)
        * mysql提供的主键值自增:(非常重要)
            drop table if exists t_user;
            create table t_user(
                id int primary key auto_increment, // id字段自动维护一个自增的数字,从1开始,以1递增。
                username varchar(255)
            insert into t_user(username) values('a');
            insert into t_user(username) values('b');
            insert into t_user(username) values('c');
            insert into t_user(username) values('d');
            select * from t_user;
            | id | username |
            |  1 | a        |
            |  2 | b        |
            |  3 | c        |
            |  4 | d        |

免责声明:文章转载自《30 约束(Constraint)》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。

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