vb 实现查找指定的文件,并按照文件名排序


Private Sub Command1_Click()
   Dim NowPath As String
   Dim FileArr() As String
   Dim mFileCount As Long
   Dim i As Long
   Dim OrderBy As String
   Dim orderByConditions As Boolean
   Dim DriverObject As Object
   Dim FileObject As Object
   Dim MyObject As Object
   Dim HaveFile As Long
   On Error Resume Next
   List1.Clear             '清空列表数据
   OrderBy = Combo1.Text   '设置排序方式  "DESC"为反序排序,规则是 Z-A。   "ASC"为顺序排序,规则为 A-Z。
   mFileCount = 0          '初始化文件查询到目录中的总数
   HaveFile = 0            '初始化判断是否有文件的标志为 0,表示没有文件
   NowPath = Text1.Text    '初始化要查询的目录地址
   If Right(NowPath, 1) <> "\" Then
      NowPath = NowPath & "\"
   End If
 ' 通过FSO查询目录里的文件
'   Set DriverObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'   If DriverObject.FolderExists(NowPath) Then
'      Set FileObject = DriverObject.GetFolder(NowPath).Files
'      mFileCount = FileObject.Count - 1
'      ReDim FileArr(mFileCount, 2)
'      i = 0
'      For Each MyObject In FileObject
'         FileArr(i, 0) = MyObject.Name
'         FileArr(i, 1) = MyObject.DateLastModified
'         FileName = MyObject.Name
'         FileArr(i, 2) = NowPath & FileName
'         i = i + 1
'      Next
'      Set FileObject = Nothing
'      If Int(i) >= 1 Then
'         HaveFile = 1
'      End If
'   End If

    Static lngFiles As Long
    Dim sDir As String
    Dim sPath As String
    Dim pFileName As String
    'Dim FileArr() As String '存放子目录名称
    pFileName = "001*POSMST01"   ’匹配的文件名
    sPath = "D:\cvsschome\ap\bin\"  '写死了文件的路径
    If Right(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\"
        sDir = Dir(sPath & pFileName)          '调用dir方法(第一次必须指定完整路径)
        Do While Len(sDir)
            ReDim Preserve FileArr(lngFiles)  '动态改变数组维度
            FileArr(lngFiles) = sDir                  '数组赋值
            lngFiles = lngFiles + 1
            List1.AddItem sPath & sDir
            sDir = Dir                                       '循环调用dir方法 可以不带参数
        If Int(lngFiles) >= 1 Then
           HaveFile = 1
        End If
   If Int(HaveFile) > 0 Then
      For One = 0 To UBound(FileArr)
         For Two = 0 To UBound(FileArr)
            If UCase(OrderBy) = "DESC" Then
               If StrComp(FileArr(One), FileArr(Two), vbTextCompare) = 1 Then
                  orderByConditions = True
                  orderByConditions = False
               End If
            ElseIf UCase(OrderBy) = "ASC" Then
               If StrComp(FileArr(One), FileArr(Two), vbTextCompare) = -1 Then
                  orderByConditions = True
                  orderByConditions = False
               End If
            End If
            If orderByConditions Then
               TempName = FileArr(Two)
               FileArr(Two) = FileArr(One)
               FileArr(One) = TempName
            End If
      For i = 0 To UBound(FileArr)
         List1.AddItem FileArr(i)
   End If
End Sub

不管怎么样 功能是实现了,不过vb确实不怎么好用,写了一上午的东西,程序关闭了 修改的东西不会自动保存,白写了,杯具

免责声明:文章转载自《vb 实现查找指定的文件,并按照文件名排序》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。


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