STM32 对内部FLASH读写接口函数




* Function Name  : I2C_EE_BufferRead
* Description    : Reads a block of data from the EEPROM.
* Input          :
*                  -RomAddr
*                  -NumByteToRead
*                  -pRomData
* Output         : None
* Return         : None

void I2C_EE_BufferRead(u16 RomAddr,u16 NumByteToRead,u8 *pRomData)

    u32 param_flashbase;
    u8* ptr;

    param_flashbase = 0x8000000+(300+20)*1024;
    ptr = (u8*)(param_flashbase + RomAddr);

    while( NumByteToRead-- >0)
        *pRomData = *ptr;            //直接赋值即可
         printf("0x%x ",*pRomData); 

* Function Name  :

* Description    : Write a block of data to the EEPROM.
* Input          :
*                  -RomAddr
*                  -NumByteToRead
*                  -pRomData
* Output         : None
* Return         : None

void I2C_EE_BufferWrite(u8 DeviceType,u8 SlaveAddr,u16 RomAddr,u16 NumByteToWrite,u8 *pRomData)

  uint32_t param_flashbase;
  uint32_t  tempaddress;
  uint32_t  startaddress;
  uint32_t FlashAddress;
  uint32_t datasource;
  u8 buf1[PAGE_SIZE];
  u8 buf2[PAGE_SIZE];
  u32 pagenumber = 0x0;
  u32 EraseCounter = 0x0;
  u32 i = 0;

  param_flashbase = 0x8000000+(300+20)*1024;
  startaddress=tempaddress = param_flashbase+RomAddr;

 if( (tempaddress%PAGE_SIZE) != 0)
 {   printf("startptr  not in Page head ");
  if(  ((startaddress%PAGE_SIZE)+NumByteToWrite) >  PAGE_SIZE   ) /*超出一页范围
      I2C_EE_BufferRead(0,0,(tempaddress-(tempaddress % PAGE_SIZE)),PAGE_SIZE,buf1);  /*把起始地址所在页的内容读到内存buf1中
      memcpy(buf1+(tempaddress % PAGE_SIZE),pRomData,PAGE_SIZE-(tempaddress % PAGE_SIZE)); 

      while(  FLASHStatus == FLASH_ErasePage(tempaddress)   )       /*buf1写入到Flash
         datasource = (uint32_t)buf1;
         FlashAddress = tempaddress-(tempaddress % PAGE_SIZE);
         while(i-- >0)
             if (*(uint32_t*)FlashAddress != *(uint32_t*)datasource)           
          printf("I2C_EE_BufferWrite error! ");
          return ;
          datasource += 4;
          FlashAddress += 4;    
   NumByteToWrite -= PAGE_SIZE-(startaddress % PAGE_SIZE); 需要写入字节数减去,上面覆盖上去的数据的字节数
   tempaddress +=  PAGE_SIZE-(tempaddress % PAGE_SIZE);        /*把ptr指针指向下一个页起始位置

   if((NumByteToWrite % PAGE_SIZE) != 0) /*末指针不在Flash页的开始端
       //读取1 PAGE 数据到内存,修改,然后写进去

    while(  FLASHStatus == FLASH_ErasePage( tempaddress+NumByteToWrite) )   /*把buf2写入到Flash中*
        datasource = (uint32_t)buf2;
        FlashAddress = (tempaddress+NumByteToWrite-(NumByteToWrite % PAGE_SIZE));  /*末地址指针的页首
        while(i-- >0)
           if (*(uint32_t*)FlashAddress != *(uint32_t*)datasource)            
                printf("I2C_EE_BufferWrite error! ");
                return ;
            datasource += 4;
            FlashAddress += 4;          

   NumByteToWrite -= NumByteToWrite % PAGE_SIZE;
    pagenumber =  NumByteToWrite/PAGE_SIZE;

     for (EraseCounter = 0; (EraseCounter < pagenumber) && (FLASHStatus == FLASH_COMPLETE); EraseCounter++)
         FLASHStatus = FLASH_ErasePage( tempaddress + PAGE_SIZE*EraseCounter );
   datasource = *(uint32_t *)(pRomData+ PAGE_SIZE-(startaddress % PAGE_SIZE)  );
   FlashAddress = tempaddress;
   while( pagenumber-- > 0 )
    while(i -- >0)
            if (*(uint32_t*)FlashAddress != *(uint32_t*)datasource)
               printf("I2C_EE_BufferWrite error! ");
               return ;
           datasource += 4;
           FlashAddress += 4;
  else /*写的内容没有超出一页范围
   printf("FlashWrire --in one page ");
   I2C_EE_BufferRead(0,0,(startaddress-(startaddress % PAGE_SIZE)),PAGE_SIZE,buf1);     /*把起始地址所在页的内容读到内存buf1中   
   memcpy( (buf1+(tempaddress % PAGE_SIZE)),pRomData, NumByteToWrite );  /*把需要写入的数据覆盖到buf1中
   while(  FLASHStatus == FLASH_ErasePage(tempaddress)   )
      datasource = (uint32_t)buf1;
      FlashAddress = tempaddress-(tempaddress % PAGE_SIZE);
      while(i-- >0)
        if (*(uint32_t *)FlashAddress != *(uint32_t *)datasource) /*读取Flash中的数据,看是否写入正确
               printf("I2C_EE_BufferWrite error! ");
               return ;
        datasource += 4;
        FlashAddress += 4;    
 { printf("startptr  in Page head ");
  if((NumByteToWrite % PAGE_SIZE) != 0)
    //读取1 PAGE 数据到内存,修改,然后写进去
   I2C_EE_BufferRead(0,0,(u16)(tempaddress+NumByteToWrite-(NumByteToWrite % PAGE_SIZE)),PAGE_SIZE,buf1);
   printf("already copy to bug1 ");
   memcpy(buf1,pRomData+NumByteToWrite-(NumByteToWrite % PAGE_SIZE),(NumByteToWrite % PAGE_SIZE));

//end of debug
  if( (NumByteToWrite%PAGE_SIZE) == 0 )
       pagenumber = NumByteToWrite/PAGE_SIZE;
       pagenumber = NumByteToWrite/PAGE_SIZE + 1;
   for (EraseCounter = 0; (EraseCounter < pagenumber) && (FLASHStatus == FLASH_COMPLETE); EraseCounter++)
        FLASHStatus = FLASH_ErasePage(startaddress + (PAGE_SIZE * EraseCounter));

  if( pagenumber == 1)   /*只有一页

   datasource = (uint32_t)buf1;
   FlashAddress = startaddress;
   while(i-- >0)
        FLASH_ProgramWord(FlashAddress,*(uint32_t *)datasource);
        if (*(uint32_t *)FlashAddress != *(uint32_t *)datasource)
            printf("I2C_EE_BufferWrite error! ");
            return ;
        datasource +=4;
        FlashAddress +=4;
  else /*很多页时,先写前面页,最后写buf1
   while( pagenumber-- > 1 )
    datasource = (u32)pRomData;
    FlashAddress = startaddress;
    while(i -- >0)
            FLASH_ProgramWord( FlashAddress, *(uint32_t *)datasource );
            if (*(uint32_t *)FlashAddress != *(uint32_t *)datasource)
                  printf("I2C_EE_BufferWrite error! ");
                  return ;
            datasource += 4;
            FlashAddress += 4;
   datasource = (uint32_t)buf1;
   FlashAddress = startaddress+(pagenumber-1)*PAGE_SIZE;
   while(i -- >0)
       FLASH_ProgramWord( FlashAddress, *(uint32_t *)datasource );
       if (*(uint32_t *)FlashAddress != *(uint32_t *)datasource)
             printf("I2C_EE_BufferWrite error! ");
             return ;
       datasource += 4;
       FlashAddress += 4;

免责声明:文章转载自《STM32 对内部FLASH读写接口函数》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。


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