

Point 1:

Each line in the Commit Graph corresponds to a commit. Branches, tags and HEAD are visualized as follows:

  • The tips of local branches are shown as green rectangles
  • The tips of remote branches are shown as grey rectangles
  • The local HEAD is shown as a white rectangle
  • Tags are shown as yellow rectangles 

Point 2: 

Git References

Git References are also known shortly as Refs.
They comprise

  • branches
  • remote-tracking branches
  • tags

They all are named with a path using '/' as path separator and are starting with "refs".

  • Local branches start with "refs/heads/"
  • Remote tracking branches start with "refs/remotes/". Remote tracking branches proxy branches located in a remote repository so that their state at the time of the last transport operation can be queried also when no connection to the repository is available (offline).
  • Tags start with "refs/tags/"

Ref names can be abbreviated as long as the abbreviated form is unique.

  • "master" is short for "refs/heads/master"
  • "origin/master" is short for "refs/remotes/origin/master"
  • "v1.0.1" is short for "refs/tags/v1.0.1"

There is also a number of "reserved" names for Refs that are useful for certain scenarios:

Ref NameRemark
HEADPoints to the currently checkout out commit
FETCH_HEADPoints to the result of the last fetch operation
ORIG_HEADPoints to the commit that was checked out before a merge or rebse operation was started

For a complete list for Ref names and the order of precedence if multiple references have the same shorthand form see the section "Specifying Revisions" section of git rev-parse


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