mod_wsgi windows 64位系统安装


Currently no official 64bit versions of Apache and PHP exists for Microsoft Windows.

However, there is a dude out there who, at the time of writing this, has at least compiledApache 2.2.19 x64for us, which you candownload here.

If you want a newer version, you'd have to compile it yourself, but that would be quite the undertaking!

Furthermore, even if youdoget Apache x64 running nicely on Windows, what do you intend to do about mod_wsgi? This is the very reason I decided to just create an Arch Linux LAMP stack for this very purpose. I have it working fine now, but since Aptana doesn't sync with Django projects I'm looking into the Windows solutions again.

Please, let me know if you find a good solution!

EDIT: I foundthese 64-bit mod_wsgi's for py2.6 and 2.7, but I have yet to get them working.

EDIT: Yes! I got it working! My Apache Service Monitor has a green light and now says Apache/2.2.19 (Win64) mod_wsgi/3.3 Python/2.6.4. I'm using 2.6.4 because that's what Autodesk Maya is running and I want to keep the same version for consistency.

WIn7 x64 Apache安装mod_wsgi时不能装怎么办: (如上)


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