C# 中的 浅表拷贝和深层拷贝


    浅表拷贝得到一个新的实例,一个与原始对象类型相同、值类型字段相同的拷贝。但是,如果字段是引用类型的,则拷贝的是该引用, 而不是的对象。若想将引用字段的对象也拷贝过去,则称为深拷贝。

1.System.Object提供了受保护的方法 MemberwiseClone,可用来实现“浅表”拷贝。由于该方法标记为“受保护”级别,因此,我们只能在继承类或该类内部才能访问该方法:

        public Student ShallowClone()
            return this.MemberwiseClone() as Student;


using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

        public Student DeepClone()
            using (Stream objectStream = new MemoryStream())
                IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                formatter.Serialize(objectStream, this);
                objectStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                return formatter.Deserialize(objectStream) as Student;


创建一个实现 ICloneable 接口的有默认行为的抽象类,所谓的默认行为就是使用以下库函数来拷贝类里的每一个字段。







<summary> /// BaseObject class is an abstract class for you to derive from. /// Every class that will be dirived from this class will support the /// Clone method automaticly.<br> /// The class implements the interface ICloneable and there /// for every object that will be derived <br> /// from this object will support the ICloneable interface as well. /// </summary> using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
public abstract class BaseObject : ICloneable { /// <summary> /// Clone the object, and returning a reference to a cloned object. /// </summary> /// <returns>Reference to the new cloned /// object.</returns> public object Clone() { //First we create an instance of this specific type. object newObject = Activator.CreateInstance( this.GetType() ); //We get the array of fields for the new type instance. FieldInfo[] fields = newObject.GetType().GetFields(); int i = 0; foreach( FieldInfo fi in this.GetType().GetFields() ) { //We query if the fiels support the ICloneable interface. Type ICloneType = fi.FieldType. GetInterface( "ICloneable" , true ); if( ICloneType != null ) { //Getting the ICloneable interface from the object. ICloneable IClone = (ICloneable)fi.GetValue(this); //We use the clone method to set the new value to the field. fields[i].SetValue( newObject , IClone.Clone() ); } else { // If the field doesn't support the ICloneable // interface then just set it. fields[i].SetValue( newObject , fi.GetValue(this) ); } //Now we check if the object support the //IEnumerable interface, so if it does //we need to enumerate all its items and check if //they support the ICloneable interface. Type IEnumerableType = fi.FieldType.GetInterface ( "IEnumerable" , true ); if( IEnumerableType != null ) { //Get the IEnumerable interface from the field. IEnumerable IEnum = (IEnumerable)fi.GetValue(this); //This version support the IList and the //IDictionary interfaces to iterate on collections. Type IListType = fields[i].FieldType.GetInterface ( "IList" , true ); Type IDicType = fields[i].FieldType.GetInterface ( "IDictionary" , true ); int j = 0; if( IListType != null ) { //Getting the IList interface. IList list = (IList)fields[i].GetValue(newObject); foreach( object obj in IEnum ) { //Checking to see if the current item //support the ICloneable interface. ICloneType = obj.GetType(). GetInterface( "ICloneable" , true ); if( ICloneType != null ) { //If it does support the ICloneable interface, //we use it to set the clone of //the object in the list. ICloneable clone = (ICloneable)obj; list[j] = clone.Clone(); } //NOTE: If the item in the list is not //support the ICloneable interface then in the //cloned list this item will be the same //item as in the original list //(as long as this type is a reference type). j++; } } else if( IDicType != null ) { //Getting the dictionary interface. IDictionary dic = (IDictionary)fields[i]. GetValue(newObject); j = 0; foreach( DictionaryEntry de in IEnum ) { //Checking to see if the item //support the ICloneable interface. ICloneType = de.Value.GetType(). GetInterface( "ICloneable" , true ); if( ICloneType != null ) { ICloneable clone = (ICloneable)de.Value; dic[de.Key] = clone.Clone(); } j++; } } } i++; } return newObject; } }


    public class MyList<T> : List<T>,ICloneable
        public object Clone()
            MyList<T> newList = new MyList<T>();
            foreach(T item in this){      //分别创建当中的每个成员对象
            return newList;
    public class Student:BaseObject
        public int Age;
        public string Name;
        public MyList<Pet> PetList;

        public Student ShallowClone()
            return this.MemberwiseClone() as Student;

        public Student DeepClone()
            using (Stream objectStream = new MemoryStream())
                IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                formatter.Serialize(objectStream, this);   //序列
                objectStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                return formatter.Deserialize(objectStream) as Student;//反序列

        public string ToString()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendFormat("Age:{0}, Name:{1}", this.Age, this.Name);
            foreach (Pet p in this.PetList)
                sb.AppendFormat("PetName:{0}, Weight:{1}", p.Name, p.Weight);
            return sb.ToString();
    public class Pet : BaseObject
        public string Name;
        public int Weight;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyList<Pet> pets1 = new MyList<Pet>();
            pets1.Add(new Pet { Weight=60,Name="pp"});
            pets1.Add(new Pet { Weight =80, Name = "bb" });
            Student stu1 = new Student
                Age = 15,
                Name = "ZZW",
                PetList = pets1
            Student stu2 = (Student)stu1.Clone();
            Console.WriteLine("Before modidfy.....");
            Console.WriteLine("Stu1:" + stu1.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Stu2:" + stu2.ToString());
            stu2.Age = 66;
            stu2.Name = "jjj";
            foreach (Pet p in stu2.PetList)
                p.Name = "xx";
                p.Weight = 100;
            Console.WriteLine("After Stu2 modidfy.....");
            Console.WriteLine("Stu1:" + stu1.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Stu2:" + stu2.ToString());


Before modidfy.....
Stu1:Age:15, Name:ZZW
PetName:pp, Weight:60
PetName:bb, Weight:80

Stu2:Age:15, Name:ZZW
PetName:pp, Weight:60
PetName:bb, Weight:80

After Stu2 modidfy.....
Stu1:Age:15, Name:ZZW
PetName:pp, Weight:60
PetName:bb, Weight:80

Stu2:Age:66, Name:jjj
PetName:xx, Weight:100
PetName:xx, Weight:100


免责声明:文章转载自《C# 中的 浅表拷贝和深层拷贝》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。


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