etopo1 arcmap 制图

下载地址下载的flt格式的etopo1文件被转换为arcmap格式的光栅格式(应该有两个flt格式和hdr格式的头文件,否则转换将报告错误)(1)格式转换(a)pythomportrcpyarcpy.FloatToRaster _ conversion(“D:/arcgis/etopo1






import arcpy


arcmap-arctoolbox-convertion tools-to raster-float to raster.


ArcToolBox > Data Management Tools > Projections and Transformations > Define Projection
这里要给文件加入的坐标系统应当是地理坐标系统Geographyical Coordinate System),下一步再将投影转换到你所要的投影系统下。


Below, I’ve outlined the steps I used to download the data from NOAA and process it for use in ArcMap:

  1. Go to the ETOPO1 Web site (
  2. If you want the ice surface data, save the following file to a directory on your computer and then unzip it:
    • ETOPO1 Ice Surface > grid-registered > binary > f4 format
  3. If you want the bedrock data, save the following file to a directory on your computer and then unzip it:
    • ETOPO1 Bedrock > grid-registered > binary > f4 format
  4. In ArcGIS, use the Float to Raster tool (in the Conversion Tools toolbox in the “To Raster” toolset) with the downloaded and unzipped file as the input floating point raster file. Specify the output file to be placed in a file geodatabase of your choice. This step will also convert the data to the right format to be used with a color map file (which we will discuss in a subsequent blog entry Symbolizing ETOPO1 Data).
  5. Use the Define Projection tool (in the Projections and Transformations toolset of the Data Management toolbox) to define the projection using a Geographic Coordinate System -> World -> WGS 1984 projection.

Here is the citation that NOAA requests you use if you have included the data on your map:

Amante, C. and B. W. Eakins, ETOPO1 1 Arc-Minute Global Relief Model: Procedures, Data Sources and Analysis. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESDIS NGDC-24, 19 pp, March 2009. Go to this web site:

Once you have downloaded and processed the data, you are ready to display it on a map. Look for our subsequent blog entry about Symbolizing ETOPO1 data to see how this can quickly and easily be done – with beautiful results!



etopo1 arcmap 制图第1张

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