

Github地址: https://github.com/Belval/TextRecognitionDataGenerator



TextRecognitionDataGenerator’s documentation

Since the name is quite long, all subsequent refrences will be under the acronym TRDG.

If you are new to the project, start with the tutorial section!


>Installation 安装

Official package

TRDG has a pip package with a matching name. TRDG有一个具有匹配名称的pip包。

pip install trdg

Once that is installed, the trdg binary should be in your PATH. 安装完成后,trdg二进制文件应位于您的PATH中。

From source

If you want to add a new language The easiest way to use the tool is by cloning the official repo.


git clone https://github.com/Belval/TextRecognitionDataGenerator

Then you need to install the dependencies. It is recommended to use a virtual environment for those.


pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you want to use the handwritten text generation feature, you need to install the -hwdependencies.


pip3 install -r requirements-hw.txt

Once that is done, you can move to the tutorial for tips and tricks on how to use TRDG!


  • Most useful arguments

    1. -i, --input_file

      Use it when the provided dictionaries do not fit your usecase. Each line will become an image, if your -c parameter is high enough.当提供的词典不适合您的用例时,请使用它。如果-c参数足够高,则每一行都将成为图像。

    2. -c, --count

      Self-explanatory parameter, but one you will probably want to change. The default value is 1000.


    1. -l, --language

      如果要使用特定脚本生成数据,此参数特别重要。它将更改要使用的词典(-l fr等效于-idicts / fr.txt),但最重要的是,它将默认字体更改为采用支持该语言脚本的字体。通过中文字典而未更改语言将导致生成无效图像。

      This argument is especially important if you want to generate data using a specific script. It changes the dictionary to be used (-l fr is equivalent to -idicts/fr.txt), but most importantly it changes the default fonts to take one that supports the language’s script. Passing a chinese dictionary without changing the language will cause invalid images to be generated.

    2. -t, --thread_count

      另一个不言自明的参数,但是非常重要,因为当今大多数计算机都带有多核CPU。将此设置为-t 8可使TRDG创建8个进程来生成数据。

      Another self-explanatory parameter, yet very important as most computers these days ship with a multi-core CPU. Setting this to -t 8 makes TRDG create 8 processes to generate the data.

    3. -f, --format

      默认情况下,所有生成的图像将高32像素(如果使用-或1,则为宽)。现在对于您来说可能太小了。 -f可以制作更大的图像。

      By default, all generated images will be 32 pixels high (or wide if you use -or 1). Now that might be too small for you. -f allows you to make bigger images.

    Getting help

    As with most CLI tools, TRDG’s help is accessible through the -h argument.

    If you need more information on a specific argument, find its definition in the reference. If even that does not do, feel free to open an issue on the official repository.




    TextRecognitionDataGenerator comes with an (hopefully) easy to use CLI. The tutorial is actually multiple tutorials, combined in a single page. Feel free to skip sections that are not relevant to your use case.


    Just generating data只是生成数据

    Fun fact, you don’t need to use any command line arguments if you want English data generated using multiple fonts. Indeed, simply running python3 run.py will create 1000 English, single word images in the out/ directory such as these:

    有趣的是,如果要使用多种字体生成英文数据,则无需使用任何命令行参数。实际上,仅运行python3 run.py即可在out /目录中创建1000个英文单词图像,如下所示:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Now maybe 1000 is too many or too few for your usecase. You can add the -c argument to set how many examples will be generated.


    python3 run.py -c 10

    As expected, you will find 10 examples in the out/ directory.

    与预期的一样,您将在out /目录中找到10个示例。

    Generating Chinese data生成中文数据

    This is a common usecase, and one that is easy with TRDG.


    python3 run.py -c 10 -l cn

    This will generate 10 samples using the Chinese dictionary that can be found in in dicts/cn.txt:

    这将使用dicts / cn.txt中的中文字典生成10个样本:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Since the concept of word in Chinese is a bit trickier, the dictionary is made of single characters (make your own!). Let’s do this again with -w 5 to get something prettier.

    由于中文单词的概念有些棘手,因此该词典由单个字符组成(自己动手!)。让我们再次使用-w 5进行操作,以获得更漂亮的效果。

    python3 run.py -c 10 -l cn -w 5

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Now that looks better, but what’s up with the spacing between the characters? We would rather have no spaces. Add -sw 0.

    现在看起来更好了,但是字符之间的间距又如何呢?我们宁愿没有空格。加-sw 0。

    python3 run.py -c 10 -l cn -w 5 -sw 0

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Asian scripts can be written top to bottom, you might want to add the -or 1 argument to get vertical text.

    亚洲脚本可以自上而下编写,您可能想要添加-or 1参数以获得垂直文本。

    python3 run.py -c 10 -l cn -w 5 -sw 0 -or 1

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    You can do much and more with TRDG, if you run into a missing feature, simply open an issue.

    Text distorsions文字变形

    For those familiar with the process of training a machine learning model, you often have to deal with overfitting, which is when the model gets too good at predicting the samples in the training data and stops generalizing to unseen examples. One trick to prevent this is by adding the distorsion to the data.


    While TRDG does not dwelve too deeply in augmentations, as many better and more complete libraries already take care of it, some operations are available for convenience through the -d argument which as 3 possible values:


    • 0: None
    • 1: Sine wave正弦波
    • 2: Cosine wave余弦波
    • 3: Random随机
    python3 run.py -c 5 -w 5 -d 1

    1 2 3 4 5

    python3 run.py -c 5 -w 5 -d 3

    1 2 3 4 5

    A more advanced use case更高级的用例

    Text in the real world is not always black, and most importantly, text in the real world is almost never straight. What if we want to emulate that?


    python3 run.py -c 10 -k 15 -rk -bl 0.5 -rbl -tc '#000000,#888888'

    Which can be translated to: generate 10 examples with a skewing angle between -15 and 15 with an added gaussian blur between 0 and 0.1. Finally, the text color should be picked randomly between black and gray (including all the colors inbetween).


    Sure enough, the output is much more colourful!


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    The default resolution might be too small to your taste (and I agree). By default the output is 32 pixels high because it’s the height used by most text recognition papers. Now you can change that with -f 64.

    默认分辨率可能太小而无法满足您的要求(我同意)。默认情况下,输出为32像素高,因为它是大多数文本识别纸使用的高度。现在,您可以使用-f 64进行更改。

    python3 run.py -c 10 -k 15 -rk -bl 0.5 -rbl -tc '#000000,#888888' -f 64

    1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Manipulating margins操纵边距

    TRDG allows you to control margins around the text using two parameters, --margins--fit. The first one controls margins, in pretty much the same way the CSS property margin does.


    This is the result with no fit and the default (5, 5, 5, 5) margins: 


    python3 run.py -c 1-i texts/test.txt


    Now we can add --fit to apply a tight crop around the rendered text. This changes the size by removing the added space for accents: 


    python3 run.py -c 1 -itexts/test.txt --fit


    Margins are applied the generated text, so even with 0,0,0,0, if you don’t use --fityou will get an apparence of margins: 


    python3 run.py -c 1 -i texts/test.txt --margins 0,0,0,0


    Now if you add --fit, you get an absolutely no margins:


    python3 run.py -c 1 -itexts/test.txt --margins 0,0,0,0 --fit


    Margin values are comma separated top,left,bottom,right, so --margins10,0,10,0 will return vertical margins with tight cropping vertically.


    And finally, with all margins:最后,保留所有空白:

    python3 run.py -c 1 -i texts/test.txt --margins10,10,10,10 --fit



    TRDG is also a module that can be included in your favorite training pipeline. The easiest way to use it, is to import a generator.


    from trdg.generators import GeneratorFromStrings
    generator = GeneratorFromStrings(['Test1', 'Test2', 'Test3'])
    for img in generator:
        # Do something with the pillow image here.

    The basic one is GeneratorFromStrings which, as its name indicates, will take a list of strings, and generate an image and label pair.


    If you want to avoid having to maintain dictionaries, you can use GeneratorFromDictswhich will use the bundled ones, GeneratorFromRandom which generates random strings, and GeneratorFromWikipedia which picks random article from Wikipedia as its source for strings.


    Here are examples for each of those, respectively:


    from trdg.generators import (
    generator_from_dicts = GeneratorFromDicts()
    generator_from_random = GeneratorFromRandom()
    generator_from_wikipedia = GeneratorFromWikipedia()
    for img, lbl in generator_from_dicts:
        # Do something with the pillow image here.

    The generators will not raise StopIteration, they will keep generating images until you break out of the loop. Set a non-negative value for count if that’s an issue





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