
[leetcode]299. Bulls and Cows公牛和母牛

You are playing the following Bulls and Cows game with your friend: You write down a number and ask your friend to guess what the number is. Each time your friend makes a guess, y...


python初学者,完全没有思路,照着网上资料打的,并修改了点bug。unlock.pyimport pickle # 初始化用户以及密码with open('account.pkl','rb') as f:list = pickle.load(f)print(list)user_dict = {'admin':{'passwd':'admin','fla...

python while、for循环、list列表

1、while循环(循环也可叫迭代、遍历) while 循环 必须有一个计数器 count=0 while count<10: print('hello') count=count+1 2、猜数字游戏例子 import random    #引用随机数模块 num=random.randint(1,100) #随机产生一个数字,1到100 coun...