
Odoo8中,API接口分为traditaional style和record style两种类型:

traditional style指的就是我们在7.0中使用的类型,def(self,cr,uid,ids,context)式的语法.

record style 8.0及以后版本精简化参数后的风格,只保留了self和args,形如def(self,args)

Method and decorator

New decorators are just mapper around the new API. The decorator are mandatory as webclient and HTTP controller are not compliant with new API.

api namespace decorators will detect signature using variable name and decide to match old signature or not.

Recognized variable names are:

cr, cursor, uid, user, user_id, id, ids, context


This decorator guaranties unity of returned value. It will return a RecordSet of specified model based on original returned value:


def afun(self):
    return x  # a RecordSet

And if an old API function calls a new API function it will automatically convert it into a list of ids

All decorators inherits from this decorator to upgrade or downgrade the returned value.



ODOO 新API修饰符第1张

ODOO 新API修饰符第2张


This decorator loops automatically on Records of RecordSet for you. Self is redefined as current record:

one装饰符自动遍历记录集,把self重新定义成当前记录。【对于v7版本中类似于 def funct(self,cr,uid,ids,context)的方法可以用api.one装饰器改用v8写法。】

def afun(self):
    self.name = 'toto'


Caution: the returned value is put in a list. This is not always supported by the web client, e.g. on button action methods. In that case, you should use @api.multi to decorate your method, and probably call self.ensure_one() in the method definition.

注意,返回值是一个list. web client有可能不支持该装饰。这时应该用@api.multi修饰函数,函数中可能还需要条用self.ensure_one() 


Self will be the current RecordSet without iteration. It is the default behavior:


def afun(self):


This decorator will convert old API calls to decorated function to new API signature. It allows to be polite when migrating code.

该装饰会将旧的API函数转换成带有装饰符的新API函数符号,使得代码可以平滑迁移【即适用于v7中类似于 def funct(self,cr,uid,args,context)的方法。 】 

1 @api.model
  def afun(self):

2 定义columns

langs = fields.Selection(string="Lang",selection="_get_lang") 


def _get_lang(self):
    langs = self.env['res.lang'].search([])
    return [(lang.code,lang.name) for lang in langs]


This decorator will ensure that decorated function will be called on create, write, unlink operation. If a constraint is met the function should raise a openerp.exceptions.Warning with appropriate message.

该装饰确保被修饰的函数在create, write, unlink时被调用。当约束条件满足时,函数应该raise 相应的异常警告消息



    if self.age<16:

    raise ValueError(_('Age must be older than 16'))


This decorator will trigger the call to the decorated function if any of the fields specified in the decorator is altered by ORM or changed in the form:

依赖的任一字段变化时(ORM or Form),触发该函数执行

@api.depends('name', 'an_other_field')
def afun(self):


when you redefine depends you have to redefine all @api.depends, so it loses some of his interest.

View management

One of the great improvement of the new API is that the depends are automatically inserted into the form for you in a simple way. You do not have to worry about modifying views anymore.



This decorator will trigger the call to the decorated function if any of the fields specified in the decorator is changed in the form:

def do_stuff(self):
   if self.fieldx == x:
      self.fieldy = 'toto'

In previous sample self corresponds to the record currently edited on the form. When in on_change context all work is done in the cache. So you can alter RecordSet inside your function without being worried about altering database. That’s the main difference with @api.depends

At function return, differences between the cache and the RecordSet will be returned to the form.

例子中self是指form中的记录,当在on_change上下文时,所有的工作都是在缓存中进行,所以你可以在函数中直接修改记录集而不用担心会修改数据库, 这是和depends的最大区别。函数返回时将缓存和记录集中的差异返回给form.

View management

One of the great improvement of the new API is that the onchange are automatically inserted into the form for you in a simple way. You do not have to worry about modifying views anymore.

Warning and Domain

To change domain or send a warning just return the usual dictionary. Be careful not to use @api.one in that case as it will mangle the dictionary (put it in a list, which is not supported by the web client).


This decorator prevent new API decorators to alter the output of a method

免责声明:文章转载自《ODOO 新API修饰符》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。


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