

1. Protect Your Site Against Brute Force Attacks

Security is the main reason to change the login page – doing so protects you against the most common type of website breach; a brute force attack. Because brute force attacks involve “guessing” login credentials, it needs three variables to succeed:

  • Username – make sure you choose something unique to you or your business, don’t leave it as the default “admin.”
  • Password – go for a complex password, the more generic it is, the easier it will be to guess.
  • Your login URL – the admin page of your dashboard

When you use default URLs, you leave yourself more vulnerable, the hacker will only need your username and password to access a site. Changing the login URL makes hacker’s work much harder.

Changing the login URL for WordPress can be accomplished two ways;

  1. by downloading and using a plugin
  2. Modifying the base code

There are many options for changing or hiding your login URL, but the plugin we found to work the best is the WPS Hide Login plugin. Luckily, the installation and activation for this plugin is quick and easy.

2. How Do I Setup W3 Total Cache In WordPress 2019?

W3 Total Cache is currently the best WordPress plugin for cache-based, performance optimization. W3 Total Cache improves the overall speed of your site by caching multiple elements on your pages which improves the overall responsiveness of your webserver.

What is Caching?

W3 Total Cache is currently the best WordPress plugin for cache-based, performance optimization. W3 Total Cache improves the overall speed of your site by caching multiple elements on your pages which improves the overall responsiveness of your webserver.

The W3TC plugin site itself lists multiple other benefits of this software as well.


Securing Your CMS Admin Login




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