Visual Studio 实用插件全集

如UML工具、代码控制工具、集成开发环境等。目标代码适用于Microsoft支持的所有平台。(来自维基百科)Visual AssistX是一个高效的插件,许多程序员应该很熟悉它。

Microsoft Visual Studio(简称VS)是美国微软公司的开发工具套件系列产品。VS是一个基本完整的开发工具集,它包括了整个软件生命周期中所需要的大部分工具,如UML工具、代码管控工具、集成开发环境等等。所写的目标代码适用于微软支持的所有平台,包括Microsoft Windows、Windows Mobile、Windows CE、.NET Framework、.NET Compact Framework和Microsoft Silverlight。(摘自维基百科)

Visual Assist X 这个高效插件很多程序员都应该熟悉。除此之外,Visual Studio 同样有很多插件,有助于开发人员/程序员的开发工作。本文收集整理了其他 16 个不错的插件。

0. DevColor Extensions


1. Snippet editor

Snippet Designer 是一个开源插件,有助 VS 提供更为丰富和更为高效的编码经历。

2. Productivity Power

the Productivity Power Tools, your extension state (disabled or enabled) will be retained when you install a new version of the Tools as long as Visual Studio is running during the installation.

3. Image Optimize

在 Solution Explorer 中的任意文件夹和图片上增加一个右击菜单,可来优化文件夹中的 PNG、GIF 和 JPEG 文件。优化并不影响图片质量,优化过程采用了业内已证明的算法,用于移除 EXIF 信息和其他数据。

4. VS Command 10 Extension

VS Commands provides code navigation and generation improvements which will make your everyday coding tasks blazing fast and, together with tens of essential IDE enhancements, it will take your productivity to another level.

5. Web Essentials

The Live Web Preview tool window loads your website/project in a browser and will update every time you save or build. You can turn on live editing for CSS which lets you see your CSS changes on your actual website as you type each keystroke.

6. JS Enhancements

This extension provides outlining and matching braces highlighting features for Visual Studio JavaScript and CSS editor. Works both in JS/CSS files and HTML script/style blocks.

7. Numbered Bookmarks

Numbered Bookmarks allows users to create and recall bookmarks by using numbers. User can create 10 bookmarks (starting from 0 to 9). User can add or navigate to the particular bookmark by using the same shortcut key. The tool adds a bookmark margin to visual studio editor, next to scrollbar.

8. FoxCop Integrator

FxCop Integrator allows to integrate stand-alone FxCop and Code Metrics PoewrTool into VS2010. You can analysis your source code on VS2010 Pro.

9. Code Compare

Code Compare is a powerful file and folder comparison tool that demonstrates new level of code comparison. Advanced comparison approaches, which consider the peculiarities of different programming languages, make a significant advantage in code comparing.

10. Open Folder in New Windows Explorer

Extend the “Open Folder in Windows Explorer” context menu option to the code editor and to all files in solution explorer.

11. Regular Expresion Margin

A margin which exposes .Net Regular Expressions search and replace capabilities on a given code window. Toggle the margin by Alt+r. Navigate to next search by Alt+n. Navigate to previous earch by Alt+p. Escape key hides the margin and set focus back to the code window. Even if the margin is hidden, as long as there is search in the Find What textbox, it will continually do a search on text updates.

12. Visual Studio Color Theme

Allows users to customize the color palette used for menus, toolbars, tabs, title bars, and other environment colors.

13. Spell Checker

This extension provides spell checking support for various “natural language” portions of files. This includes:

Plain text files (the entire file is spell checked)
Source code (comments and strings are spell checked)
HTML/ASP (things that aren’t HTML tags are spell checked)

14. Triple Click

Makes triple click select an entire line.

15. Go To Definition

Make ctrl+click perform a “Go To Definition” on the identifier under the cursor. Also, when the ctrl key is held down, highlight identifiers that look like they have definitions to navigate to.

16. VsVim

曾在@程序员的那些事 推荐过这个插件:VsVim,在 Visual Studio 2010 环境下模拟 Vim 。



vs homepage:



PowerCommands 为Visual Studio 2010 Microsoft 免费

GoToDef转到定义: 相当于F12

HTML 5 Intellisense for Visual Studio 2010 and 2008


Highlight all occurrences of selected word 高亮显示选择词语

免责声明:文章转载自《Visual Studio 实用插件全集》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。

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