mongo-go-driver mongo filter


and or判断数组为空


mongo-go-driver: nested OR/AND query filter

I try to create a MongoDB query filter with the nested operators (OR/AND/...). But lib requires to create abson.Dand passbson.Eelements into it. If I need to haveOR/ANDinsideAND/OR- I need to putbson.M + bson.Dinsidebson.Dlike this:

filter := bson.M{"$and": bson.D{{"p", 10}, bson.M{"$or": bson.D{{"s", 30}, {"a", 1}}}}}

.. and of course it doesn't work:cannot use primitive.M literal (type primitive.M) as type primitive.E in slice literal. Probably the same problem will happen if later I try to use a... in []logics inside abson.D

How do I create such nested queries in Go and official MongoDB driver?

What matters is that$orrequires an array, which isbson.A ,Also$andis the default, you don't have to indicate that.

Your filter can be defined like this:

filter := bson.D{
    {"p", 10},
    {"$or", bson.A{
        bson.D{{"s", 30}},
        bson.D{{"a", 10}},

You may also use this:

filter = bson.D{
    {"p", 10},
    {"$or", bson.A{
        bson.M{"s": 30},
        bson.M{"a": 10},

Or this:

filter := bson.M{
    "p": 10,
    "$or": bson.A{
        bson.M{"s": 30},
        bson.M{"a": 10},

免责声明:文章转载自《mongo-go-driver mongo filter》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。


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