Linux shell command line process(命令行处理流程)


  1. Splits the command into tokens that are separated by the fixed set of metacharacters: SPACE, TAB, NEWLINE,;,(,),<,>,|, and&. Types of tokens include words, keywords, I/O redirectors, and semicolons.

  2. Checks the first token of each command to see if it is a keyword with no quotes or backslashes. If it's an opening keyword, such asifand other control-structure openers,function,{, or(, then the command is actually a compound command. The shell sets things up internally for the compound command, reads the next command, and starts the process again. If the keyword isn't a compound command opener (e.g., is a control-structure "middle" likethen,else, ordo, an "end" likefiordone, or a logical operator), the shell signals a syntax error.

  3. Checks the first word of each command against the list of aliases. If a match is found, it substitutes the alias's definition and goes back to Step 1; otherwise, it goes on to Step 4. This scheme allows recursive aliases (seeChapter 3). It also allows aliases for keywords to be defined, e.g.,alias aslongas=whileoralias procedure=function.

  4. Performs brace expansion. For example,a{b,c}becomesab ac.

  5. Substitutes the user's home directory ($HOME) for tilde if it is at the beginning of a word. Substitutes user's home directory for~user.[7]

    [7]Two obscure variations on this: the shell substitutes the current directory ($PWD) for~+and the previous directory ($OLDPWD) for~-. Inbash2.0 there are two more: ~N+ and ~N-. These are replaced by the corresponding element in the directory stack as given by thedirscommand.

  6. Performs parameter (variable) substitution for any expression that starts with a dollar sign ($).

  7. Does command substitution for any expression of the form$(string).

  8. Evaluates arithmetic expressions of the form$((string)).

  9. Takes the parts of the line that resulted from parameter, command, and arithmetic substitution and splits them into words again. This time it uses the characters in$IFSas delimiters instead of the set of metacharacters in Step 1.

  10. Performs pathname expansion, a.k.a. wildcard expansion, for any occurrences of*,?, and[/]pairs.

  11. Uses the first word as a command by looking up its source according to the rest of the list inChapter 4, i.e., as a function command, then as a built-in, then as a file in any of the directories in$PATH.

  12. Runs the command after setting up I/O redirection and other such things.
  1. 使用Metacharacter对命令行进行分割,划分成许多小的Token;这些Token可以是word, keywords, I/O redirectors, and semicolon; Metacharacter包括:SPACE, TAB, NEWLINE,;,(,),<,>,|, and&
  2. 检查命令的第一个Token,如果它是一个opening keyword,比如说if或其他控制结构的opener,那么就设置好环境后,从头处理下一个命令行;
  3. 检查命令行的第一个word,判断它是否是一个alias;如果是,就进行替换并回到step 1重新开始;如果不是,就直接进行step 4。
  4. 执行大括号的扩展。
  5. 如果~位于一个单词开头,那么久使用user的根目录($HOME)进行替换。
  6. 对所有以$开头的表达式进行参数替换。
  7. 对所有$(string)形式的表达式进行command substitution。
  8. 对$((string))形式的表达式进行算术表达式求值(arithmetic evaluation)。
  9. 使用$IFS中的分隔符对执行完6-8操作的命令行进行重新划分。
  10. 执行pathname expansion,通配符替换。
  11. 使用command的第一个word,查找function、built-in、或者是$PATH中的可执行文件
  12. 设置好I/O Redirection等环境后,执行command
  • Shell 处理过程


SPACE , TAB , NEWLINE , & , ; , ( , ) ,< , > , |

2. 程序块tokens被处理,检查看他们是否是shell中所引用到的关键字。

3. 当程序块tokens被确定以后,shell根据aliases文件中的列表来检查命令的第一个单词。如果这个单词出现在aliases表中,执行替换操作并且处理过程回到第一步重新分割程序块tokens。





8.Shell将命令字符串重新划分为新的块tokens。这次划分的依据是栏位分割符号,称为IFS。缺省的IFS变量包含有:SPACE , TAB 和换行符号。

9.Shell执行通配符* ? [ ]的替换。


A. 内建的命令

B. shell函数(由用户自己定义的)

C. 可执行的脚本文件(需要寻找文件和PATH路径)



最后执行的命令的形式可能与开始时敲进去的命令形式大不相同。这就是POSIX shell的强大之处:非常简短的指令可以产生不同凡响的结果。

免责声明:文章转载自《Linux shell command line process(命令行处理流程)》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。

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