Google Earth上的一些3D模型

谷歌地球博客发表了一篇关于谷歌地球3D模型的文章。看来谷歌仍然有很多粉丝。Google SketchUp发布不久,已经开始产生结果。另一方面,这也表明Google SketchUp易于使用。我不知道谷歌未来将如何改进通用电气。如果有一种工具可以将KML格式转换为可动态加载(分区)的二进制文件,那么使用Google Earth+Google SketchUp创建3D城市模型将不再困难。当然,从谷歌的角度来看,我们更有可能将模型提交给谷歌的3DWarehouse。
Google Earth Blog发表一篇有关Google Earth的3D模型的文章,看来,Google的Fans还是比较多, Google SketchUp发布还没有多久,已经开始有所成果了。另一方面,也说明了Google SketchUp的易用性不错。不知道Google对GE将来有什么改进,如果有工具可以将KML格式转化为可以动态加载(分块)的二进制文件,那么,使用Google Earth + Google SketchUp来创建一个3D的城市模型也不再是什么困难的事情。

当然,从Google的角度,大概更愿意大家把模型提交到Google's 3D Warehouse


3D Model Roundup for Google Earth

Google Earth上的一些3D模型第1张Here's a collection of some of the best 3D Models posted at the GEC - Google Earth Community during the last week or so:

  • AtomiumGoogle Earth上的一些3D模型第2张 - This is a model of an actual building built for the 1958 Brussels World's Fair which is a 'unit cell' of an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times. You can clearly see the building in the satellite photo in GE, although it looks weird projected flat on the surface. Posted by 'Gerardo64' at the GEC.
  • Solar SailGoogle Earth上的一些3D模型第2张 - This model is of a real space ship designed to fly on the Solar Wind (gases in space escaping from the sun). You can read more about it here. The model created by 'Gerardo64' at the GEC, read his post for more details.
  • Space StationGoogle Earth上的一些3D模型第2张 - This model posted by 'hwtnv' at the GEC is the space station from "2001: A Space Odyssey". He converted it from a 3D model archive located here.
  • International Space StationGoogle Earth上的一些3D模型第2张 - This model was posted by 'jpwade' at the GEC. It is not accurate to true colors of the station, but I like the idea of making space more colorful.

On a related note, 'Gerardo64' posted a nice little tutorial on how to create curved surfaces with Google SketchUp (his example is the bow of a boat). If you want to make your own 3D models, check out the new free Google SketchUp. Also, don't forget to check out Google's new 3D Warehouse network link.

免责声明:文章转载自《Google Earth上的一些3D模型》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。

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