

Before we start,let me tell you the reason I write this post with English.

There are reason why:

  • I wana be a postgraduate of Ocean University 0f China
  • Writing English Posts seem to make me cool I think

And this is my first attempt,I know it's a shit.

Let's start!

Find your wirless Card 's chipset and driver using airmon-ng

open your terminal,and type airmon-ng bash,like this:


This will show all of wifi cards that can go into monitor mode.

Usaully, wlan0 and echo are interfaces you can shoose

as you can see,wlan0 is my labtop 's wifi interface.

Put your wifi interface into monitor mode using Arimon-ng

next,type in terminal : airmon-ng start wlan0

and type in terminal ifconfig.clearly,there is no driver named wlan0 any more,but .... take place of wlan0mon.

Show the list of wifi at your location

Type in terminal : airodump-ng wlan0mon

you can see this:

next,you should choose the one you most love...and hack it!

( Remember this,Dont do any illegal things!!!!It's most impotant.)

monitor the wifi and check if someone is already Connected

So,Type in terminal: airdomp-ng -c (number of channel ) --bssid (the wifi mac adreess) -w (the location of file you want to save)

here is a sample :

airodump-ng -c 2 --bssid 00:00:00:00:00:00 -w /root/home/test


Enter the system

Type in terminal aireplay-ng -0 2 -a (desired router bssid) -c (your own bssid or ethier) wlan0mon

And then,you can just waiting for the shakehand between you two,After this,you will do the last thing is Finding the passwrod.

well, all you can do is,use the default worldlists.It's in...



And.. rockyou.text is you want.

so,Type in terminal this : aircrak-ng -w (the wordlists) (the file last step you created).cap

sometimes,the computer may send error like this:
Invalid packet capture length -1735227957 - corrupted file?
It's clearly is we have a wrong cap file,but dont worry ,we can fix this!
use pcapfix command like this:



now,waiting for the password!


上篇vue如何debugger源码[AngularJS]项目框架搭建-MyFirst Skeleton下篇

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kali 2.0 安装VMware Tools

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kali 系统 wifi密码破解笔记

先输入ifconfig 看看有没有无线网卡 然后再插入无线网卡  就可以知道插入的无线网卡叫什么名字 下图的无线网卡叫 wlan0 airmon-ng start wlan0 将网卡转换为监听模式,你将会看到下列信息   接着关闭可能阻碍的进程  kill 482 741 4000 (我这里不用杀进程 这三个进程都是无线网卡所需要的) airodump-...