Android sendMessage 与 obtainMessage (sendToTarget)比较


话说在工作中第一次接触android 的Handler 的时候,不知道怎么去关注性能。


Message msg = new Message()
msg.what = xxx;
msg.arg1  = xxx;
msg.arg2  = xxx;


后来没事的时候看了看handler 的其他的方法,就看到了obtainMessage()这个方法.很奇怪,不知道为何还要出来的方法

本来上面的那段code 就能实现handler 的功能了,为什么还要出现他,后来百度google 一把,大家说 什么性能上有差别之



Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();
msg.what = xxx;
msg.arg1  = xxx;
msg.arg2  = xxx;
msg.obj    = xxx;


看看这两段代码其实就是方法不一样 ,参数都一样。但是为何实现的效果一样还要分离出来这么多方法呢?


先去看sendMessage()这个方法。。。。它调用的是Handler 中的sendMessage(Message msg)

源码 片段1  如下:

     * Pushes a message onto the end of the message queue after all pending messages
     * before the current time. It will be received in {@link #handleMessage},
     * in the thread attached to this handler.
     * @return Returns true if the message was successfully placed in to the 
     *         message queue.  Returns false on failure, usually because the
     *         looper processing the message queue is exiting.
    public final boolean sendMessage(Message msg)
        return sendMessageDelayed(msg, 0);

再看handler.obtainMessage()源码 片段2 如下:

     * Returns a new {@link android.os.Message Message} from the global message pool. 
   * More efficient than creating and allocating new instances. 
    * The retrieved message has its handler set to this instance    
   * ( == this).
     * If you don't want that facility, just call Message.obtain() instead.

    public final Message obtainMessage()
        return Message.obtain(this);

上面这两段都是Handler 里面的方法,不过在片段1  我们可以看到Message是我们作为参数传过去的,片段2的则是我们

Message帮我们处理,它调用obtain(Handler h)方法,之后我们还要调用Message中sendToTarget()这个方法。

看一下Message.obtain(Hanlder h) 的源码  代码片段3如下:

     * Same as {@link #obtain()}, but sets the value for the <em>target</em> member on the Message return   * ed.
     * @param h  Handler to assign to the returned Message object's <em>target</em> member.
     * @return A Message object from the global pool.
    public static Message obtain(Handler h) {
        Message m = obtain(); = h;

        return m;

再看 sendToTarget() 源码     代码片段4 如下:

     * Sends this Message to the Handler specified by {@link #getTarget}.
     * Throws a null pointer exception if this field has not been set.
    public void sendToTarget() {
       <span style="background-color:#ff0000"> target.sendMessage(this);</span>

这里的target就是handler,sendToTarget()又在调用handler的 sendMessage 方法了。。。

     看到这里也许有的人很疑惑,这样转来转去,转了一圈怎么又回到Handler的 sendMessage方法了?那么性能比较一说




* Returns a new {@link android.os.Message Message} from the global message pool. More efficient than
* creating and allocating new instances. The retrieved message has its handler set to this instance ( == this).
* If you don't want that facility, just call Message.obtain() instead.

    这里我们的Message 已经不是 自己创建的了,而是从MessagePool 拿的,省去了创建对象申请内存的开销。。。。。

   到这里大家应该都明白了。所以以后使用的时候尽量使用 Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();的形式创

   建Message,不要自己New Message 至于message产生之后你使用obtainMessage 或者是 sendMessage 效率影响

   并不大.同时我们也要注意以后谈论性能的时候要找准位置,譬如这里性能的问题不是在调用 obtainMessage 和 sen

  dMessage 的方法上,而是调用他们之前对象的创建问题上。


Message android.os.Handler.obtainMessage(int what, int arg1, int arg2, Object obj)

public final Message obtainMessage (int what, int arg1, int arg2, Object obj)
Since: API Level 1
Same as obtainMessage(), except that it also sets the what, obj, arg1,and arg2 values on the returned Message.

what  Value to assign to the returned Message.what field.
arg1  Value to assign to the returned Message.arg1 field.
arg2  Value to assign to the returned Message.arg2 field.
obj  Value to assign to the returned Message.obj field.

A Message from the global message pool.
01-27 02:41:47.853: INFO/System.out(581): Msg:{ what=1001 when=6260065 arg1=1002 arg2=1003 obj=Main Thread send For info! }
01-27 02:41:47.853: INFO/System.out(581): Msg.what:1001
01-27 02:41:47.853: INFO/System.out(581): Msg.arg1:1002
01-27 02:41:47.853: INFO/System.out(581): Msg.arg1:1003
01-27 02:41:47.892: INFO/System.out(581): Msg.Obj:Main Thread send For info!
01-27 02:50:39.522: INFO/System.out(581): Msg:{ what=1001 when=6791734 arg1=1002 arg2=1003 obj=Main Thread send For info! }
01-27 02:50:39.522: INFO/System.out(581): Msg.what:1001
01-27 02:50:39.532: INFO/System.out(581): Msg.arg1:1002
01-27 02:50:39.532: INFO/System.out(581): Msg.arg1:1003
01-27 02:50:39.572: INFO/System.out(581): Msg.Obj:Main Thread send For info!



1、这个方法使用的前提是之前调用过sendEmptyMessageDelayed(0, time),意思是延迟time执行handler中msg.what=0的方法;





免责声明:文章转载自《Android sendMessage 与 obtainMessage (sendToTarget)比较》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。

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