


1、最近发现了一个能在linux下模拟arm的模拟器: xdroid,网址: https://www.linzhuotech.com/index.php/home/index/down.html, 特别好用。直接模拟arm。我的云盘里有其可执行程序。 (这个需要 5G 的根目录空间,不推荐,太大了,这个是linux上运行,不是模拟器内运行。)

2、http://www.shashlik.io/, 这个也不错。 如何使用: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-install-and-run-android-apk-on-linux-with-shashlik/ ,如下是使用方法的描述:

After Shashlik is installed, visit an APK database and download the application that you want to run with Shashlik. Then open a terminal on the location of the downloaded APKs and type the following command to install it to your system: “/opt/shashlik/bin/shashlik-install name_of_apk_file”. As an example, I installed the Viber apk as shown in the following screenshot:

Next step is to run the APK by typing the following command on the same terminal session: “/opt/shashlik/bin/shashlik-run name_of_splash_png name_of_apk_file”. One important thing to note at this point is that during the installation, Shashlik has created and stored some required files in /.local/share/shashlik. Those files include the splash png image file and the userdata.img. Upon launching an APK, Shashlik looks for the file you have indicated in the command. So, if there is a splash.png corresponding to an application named test.apk, the command becomes: “/opt/shashlik/bin/shashlik-run splash test.apk”. Here's how I did it for Viber。

To make things simpler, I should point out that the APKs are installed in our system with the command I showed previously, so if you look for them in the applications menu/dash you should find them and run them with a simple click. This however, may not work well for all apps, but if it does it's quite handy. Whatever the case, you should know how to run it from the terminal in order to get the insight needed to solve any issues.

As there is currently no uninstall function implemented, you can manually remove the binaries installed by Shashlik by navigating to /.local/share/applications and deleting the corresponding files. This should remove them from your applications menu.

  Landscape Tip

As the software hasn't even reached its first stable version, you can't fiddle with any options that could be critical to the user experience with certain apps. The case of setting the emulator to the landscape screen mode is a usual one, so here's how to do it. Open your file manager as administrator and navigate to /opt/shashlik/bin and open “shashlik.run with your favorite text editor. Then locate the “-noskin” argument and replace it with “-skin 480x320” or any other resolution in the standard ratios.


Shashlik may be unstable and not very powerful just yet, but the fact that it is very simple to use doesn't go unnoticed and unappreciated. With time, I am sure that it will become even leaner and even more successful in regards to how many apps it can run. People report demanding 3D games running well on Shashlik which is indicative of what the software can already do. Have fun testing Android apps on Linux, and good luck running them!

3、‌Anbox, 也不错。



houdini 是intel 研发的ARM binary translator

解决Android x86 系统的兼容性问题
关键词:Android x86中文输入法应用兼容性。
在玩Android x86 系统的时候,很多童鞋们都发现没有什么应用可以用,连中文输入法都找不到。然而4.0 rc2 系统发布时,也同时有了传说中的arm Translator,从此Android x86可以运行各种各样的arm应用了!
向arm Translator的原作者致敬。本人是在如下这个链接学到的http://www.charlesmaggs.com/home/vocation/links/linux-resources-current/embedded-linux/android
arm Translator的安装很简单,只要下载两个文件和一个文件夹复制到安卓x86系统的/system/lib下就好了。安装需求:Android x86 4.0
将最后一个链接的文件下载下来后,解压缩得到一大堆文件,新建个文件夹叫做arm把这些文件放进去,然后把前两个文件,和这个名叫arm的文件夹一起复制到Android x86 4.0的 /system/lib目录下,修改好权限,即可享用各种arm应用啦。

(附:这些文件在我的云盘里,目录名叫:work/android/ARM translate(ARM翻译器)


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