python psycopg2 连接pg 建立连接池


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from psycopg2.pool import ThreadedConnectionPool,SimpleConnectionPool,PersistentConnectionPool

from constant import pg_name, pg_user, pg_pw, pg_host, pg_port
from public import gen_sql

# pgpool = ThreadedConnectionPool(1, 5, dbname=pg_name, user=pg_user, host=pg_host, password=pg_pw, port=pg_port)

# pgpool = SimpleConnectionPool(1, 5, dbname=pg_name, user=pg_user, host=pg_host, password=pg_pw, port=pg_port)
pgpool = PersistentConnectionPool(1, 100, dbname=pg_name, user=pg_user, host=pg_host, password=pg_pw, port=pg_port)

# 不管是哪种方式建立的连接池, 多进程或者多线程都会导致数据cursor 关闭, 出错等数据库问题, 即使是在每个进程中都建立连接池也不行(我的测试结果, 水平有限)

def conn_exe(*sp):
  conn = pgpool.getconn()  # 获取连接
  cursor = conn.cursor()  # 获取cursor
  conn.commit()  # 没次操作都要提交
  pgpool.putconn(conn)  # 放回连接, 防止其他程序pg无连接可用
  return cursor

def fetchone_sql(*sp):
  cursor = conn_exe(*sp)
  # desc = cursor.description  # cursor 的具体描述信息
  fetchone = cursor.fetchone()
  return fetchone

def fetchall_sql(*sp):

  cursor = conn_exe(*sp)
  fetchall = cursor.fetchall()
  return fetchall

def get_insert_id(*sp): 

  *sp += " returning id"   # 插入语句这样返回 插入的id(或者其他字段 看上一行的SQL 语句) 

  cursor = conn_exe(*sp)
  insert_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
  return insert_id

def run_sql(*sp): 

  cursor = conn_exe(*sp)

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