Anonymous Access的理解


Every request proxied by Kong must be associated with a Consumer.

You’ll now create a Consumer named anonymous_users

启用认证插件后,如果不配置匿名用户,那么如果客户 端不传递凭据,那么就不会通过


 $ curl -i -X PATCH --url http://localhost:8001/plugins/<your-plugin-id> --data "config.anonymous=<your-consumer-id>"



PermalinkAnonymous Access

Kong has the ability to configure a given Service to allow both authenticated and anonymous access.

You might use this configuration to grant access to anonymous users with a low rate-limit, and grant access to authenticated users with a higher rate limit.

To configure a Service like this, you first apply your selected authentication plugin, then create a new consumer to represent anonymous users, then configure your authentication plugin to allow anonymous access. Here is an example, which assumes you have already configured a Service named example-service and the corresponding route:

  1. PermalinkCreate an example Service and a Route

    Issue the following cURL request to create example-service pointing to, which will echo the request:

     $ curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/services/ --data 'name=example-service' --data 'url='

    Add a route to the Service:

     $ curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/routes --data 'paths[]=/auth-sample'

    The url http://localhost:8000/auth-sample will now echo whatever is being requested.

  2. PermalinkConfigure the key-auth Plugin for your Service

    Issue the following cURL request to add a plugin to a Service:

     $ curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/plugins/ --data 'name=key-auth'

    Be sure to note the created Plugin id - you’ll need it in step 5.

  3. PermalinkVerify that the key-auth plugin is properly configured

    Issue the following cURL request to verify that the key-auth plugin was properly configured on the Service:

     $ curl -i -X GET --url http://localhost:8000/auth-sample

    Since you did not specify the required apikey header or parameter, and you have not yet enabled anonymous access, the response should be 403 Forbidden:

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
       "message": "No API key found in headers or querystring"
  4. PermalinkCreate an anonymous Consumer

    Every request proxied by Kong must be associated with a Consumer. You’ll now create a Consumer named anonymous_users (that Kong will utilize when proxying anonymous access) by issuing the following request:

     $ curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/consumers/ --data "username=anonymous_users"

    You should see a response similar to the one below:

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    Connection: keep-alive
       "username": "anonymous_users",
       "created_at": 1428555626000,
       "id": "bbdf1c48-19dc-4ab7-cae0-ff4f59d87dc9"

    Be sure to note the Consumer id - you’ll need it in the next step.

  5. PermalinkEnable anonymous access

    You’ll now re-configure the key-auth plugin to permit anonymous access by issuing the following request (replace the sample uuids below by the id values from step 2 and 4):

     $ curl -i -X PATCH --url http://localhost:8001/plugins/<your-plugin-id> --data "config.anonymous=<your-consumer-id>"

    The config.anonymous=<your-consumer-id> parameter instructs the key-auth plugin on this Service to permit anonymous access, and to associate such access with the Consumer id we received in the previous step. It is required that you provide a valid and pre-existing Consumer id in this step - validity of the Consumer id is not currently checked when configuring anonymous access, and provisioning of a Consumer id that doesn’t already exist will result in an incorrect configuration.

  6. PermalinkCheck anonymous access

    Confirm that your Service now permits anonymous access by issuing the following request:

     $ curl -i -X GET --url http://localhost:8000/auth-sample

    This is the same request you made in step #3, however this time the request should succeed, because you enabled anonymous access in step #5.

    The response (which is the request as Mockbin received it) should have these elements:


    It shows the request was successful, but anonymous.

免责声明:文章转载自《Anonymous Access的理解》仅用于学习参考。如对内容有疑问,请及时联系本站处理。

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